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Tafhim Al Azmi
Introducing Tafhim Al-Azmi who is the Director of BD Foods Group. As a person he has always been helpful to fellow AIUBians. He was from 04-3 Batch of BBA.
Md Shariful Islam
Introducing our friend Md Shariful Islam currently working as Assistant Director, at Department of ICT under Ministry of PT and IT. Previously he worked as Solution manager at ZTE Corporation. He was from Batch: 02-02
Nadim Rahman
Introducing Nadim Rahman, who is a successful banker working in Eastern Bank Ltd as FAVP & Head of Branch, Khilgaon. He was from 01-1 batch.
Introducing our Samira, who is currently working in Heidelberg Cement Bangladesh Limited as Manager Sales Coordination and CEP Manager- Bangladesh. She is taking care of Bangladesh sales administration from Dhaka Corporate office. She was from [...]